Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Beauty of Science

Darla of The Scientific Quilter is certainly doing something on this topic, and I don't want to steal her thunder, but this is just so amazing. She sent me a link today where you can enter the URL of a Web page and the resulting image is a graphical representation of that page.

I entered my blog's URL (mirkwooddesigns.blogspot.com) and received the following image.

This is such a beautiful image. It reminds me of a course I took years ago called Mind Mapping by Tony Buzan. Every dot in this image represents some Web page that my blog has influenced, or that has influenced my blog in some way.

If you have a Web site or blog and want to see your own beautiful graph, here's the link: http://www.aharef.info/static/htmlgraph/

Science as art.



  1. Thanks for this, I did mine and it came out so fun. I blogged about the contest on Spoonflower, and included your Alice creation. So nice to meet you.

  2. Karen, I voted for your fabric on the contest today -- it really is so charming! I'm a bit of a Tenniel purist, but you captured the essence of Alice perfectly.

    And isn't this the coolest application? I was amazed at how graceful my blog image is.

